Bratz: The Movie is a 2007 American comedy film based on the very successful product line of fashion dolls released in 2001, manufactured by MGA Entertainment and created by Carter Bryant. The success of the dolls led to the web series which launched in 2005, and then subsequently the live action film which was released in theaters 2007. The movie follows four teenage best friends, Cloe, Yasmin, Sasha, and Jade as they enter their first year of high school, they face off against the domineering student body President, who wants to split them up into different social cliques. The live action film starred actresses Logan Browning, Janel Parrish, Nathalia Ramos, and Skyler Shaye as the 4 lead characters.
Cast of Bratz The Movie – Then and Now
The Bratz: The Movie cast featured:
Nathalia Ramos
Skyler Shaye
Janel Parrish
Logan Browning
Chelsea Staub
Anneliese van der Pol
Malese Jow
Stephen Lunsford
Lainie Kazan
Jon Voight
Chet Hanks
Carl Hancock Rux
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