Hannah Montana aired on Disney Channel for four seasons between March 2006 and January 2011. The series is about Miley Stewart who juggles family, friends and school, but unlike her peers, she has a secret pop-star persona called Hannah Montana.
Cast of Hannah Montana – Then and Now
This video is about the cast of the Disney’s American Sitcom Hannah Montana – Then and now. It is meant to report on how the stars of the film have grown over the years – then and now, and educate on the film’s actors and characters.
Hannah Montana Cast Featured:
Miley Cyrus
Emily Osment
Mitchel Musso
Jason Earles
Billy Ray Cyrus
Moisés Arias
Cody Martin Linley
Shanica Knowles
Anna Maria Perez de Tagle
Frances Callier
Hiromi Dames
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